Having Trouble Handling Foreign Exchange Payments? Apply for BizChannel@CIMB Today!

Mikaela Anthonysamy

Mikaela Anthonysamy

Last updated 29 October, 2021

The world is slowly opening up again, and that means many businesses will resume their  operations. This will lead to businesses trading internationally again and with that, the need for foreign exchange will arise.

Dealing with foreign exchange in itself can be a hassle sometimes. And if you’re a business owner, ideally, you would  want to choose the most effective way of getting something done—especially when it comes to payments. So, if at present you’re having trouble with booking foreign exchange contracts seamlessly, this article is for you.

Say hello to BizChannel@CIMB!

If you already have a BizChannel account with CIMB (better known as BizChannel @CIMB), you would know that it is a one-stop solution for all your business needs: you can transfer funds, retrieve account statements, manage payments & payroll. It is one of the many ways CIMB is able  to help SMEs in Malaysia to be more efficient operationally. 

Related: Here’s How CIMB Is Helping Malaysian SMEs Become More Sustainable In The Long Run

Besides all of the above, BizChannel@CIMB also allows businesses to book foreign exchange contracts digitally—provided they have a Booker FX role access granted in  the account. All this while, in order to get this feature, you’ll need to manually sign up for the Booker role. 

For now, if you’re under the Customised Package, you’ll need to be granted access by the System Administrator. And if you have the Lite/Standard Package, you’ll need to fill up the BizChannel@CIMB Maintenance Form.

But, this will change.


Booking foreign exchange contracts made easy

CIMB wants to make your life as a business owner better. Hence, the booker role is now readily available and you may either sign up for the booker role in your existing BizChannel package or contact our Helpdesk to add this to your package.

With this change, you will be able to book foreign exchange contracts easily as well as make  foreign exchange payments fuss-free. Some other perks of this feature include but are not limited to:

  • the ability to monitor real time foreign exchange rates
  • locking your desired foreign exchange rates easily
  • being able to make payments on the same day 

Sounds good? It sure does!

Related: Ask The Expert: A Beginner’s Guide To Forex Trading – How Does Forex Trading Work in Malaysia?

After reading all this, you’d already know that this exciting feature is only available to BizChannel@CIMB users. If you are already one, then great! But if this is the first time you’re hearing of it and you’d like to get all these benefits, here’s what you can do.

Where can you sign up for BizChannel@CIMB?

It’s super easy to get your own BizChannel@CIMB account. There are two ways you can do this, depending on whether you are a CIMB Business Customer or not.

Non-CIMB Business customer

Start off by opening a CIMB Business Current Account-i. Once you’re done, you can apply for BizChannel.

CIMB Business Customer

Contact CIMB to apply for any of the BizChannel@CIMB Packages.


BizChannel@CIMB is secure, as it uses a 218-bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL), it has two-factor authentication, it’s convenient and it’s flexible. We could go on and on telling you about this, but you get the drift: BizChannel is here to help SME owners in Malaysia operate more efficiently. 

And together with the FX Booker role, you’ll get to work more smoothly and safely when it comes to foreign exchange payments. Interested to sign up for BizChannel@CIMB? Just click the link below!

Get a BizChannel@CIMB account today!

Lawyer-turned-writer, Mikaela demonstrates the sharp legal acumen to analyse topics and draw out the most valuable insights.


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