Budget 2020 / Belanjawan 2020 Needs Your Ideas And Suggestions

CompareHero.my Team

CompareHero.my Team

Last updated 28 June, 2021

In the run-up to Malaysia’s Budget2020 or Belanjawan2020, the government is seeking ideas and suggestions from its citizens as it looks to boost economic growth while narrowing the fiscal deficit. Budget 2020 will be tabled by Minister of Finance, YB Tuan Lim Guan Eng on Friday, 11th October 2019.

Malaysians from all walks of life are welcomed to channel their ideas through belanjawan2020.treasury.gov.my, also on social media, by using the hashtag #belanjawan2020 on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Anyone can submit suggestions geared toward 14 goals, from improving access to housing to sustainable development. The government also wants suggestions on how to improve public services, ensure social justice and promote a healthy lifestyle in the country known for having the highest obesity rate in Southeast Asia.

Belanjawan 2020 Goals:

  • Addressing Cost Of Living
  • Improving The Quality Of Education
  • Improving Job Opportunities
  • Strengthening The Public Sector
  • Improving Public Infrastructure
  • Exploring New Technology And Innovation
  • Fostering Entrepreneurship And Businesses
  • Ensuring Social Welfare And Development
  • Encouraging A Healthy Lifestyle
  • Improving Access To Housing
  • Preserving The Environment Through Sustainable Development
  • Maintaining Public Safety And Security
  • Spurring The Development Of Sports
  • Strengthening Malaysia’s Finance

Other budget related news reports:

Read also: Budget 2019 - Summary Infographics

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