How To Apply For 6 Malaysian Government Welfare Benefits & Social Assistance Team Team

Last updated 10 September, 2020

Aside from BR1M, or Bantuan Rakyat 1 Malaysia to ease the burden of Malaysia’s low-income households, there are many other government aids and subsidies that you may not be aware of. Here are 6 other government aids and subsidies to help ease your burden during the turbulent economy.

Related: [LIVE] Budget 2019 Malaysia Updates & Highlights

Did you know that the government has an allocation close to RM10 billion for government aids and subsidies under the Budget 2017? Changes were also made to the government aids and subsidies to make it more efficient by creating target groups. This was also done to ensure it was benefiting those who are really in need, particularly the Bottom 40 (B40) of the population. B40 refers to the bottom 40% of households with a monthly income of RM3,900 and below. The target group eligible for the government aids and subsidies are:

  • Children
  • Elderly
  • Disabled
  • Poor Families
  • Victims of disasters

6 government aids and subsidies to help you save money in 2017

1. Financial aid for single mothers

Under the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, single mothers can apply to receive financial aid to temporarily ease their burden.

Child help

  • Minimum: RM100 per month, per child
  • Maximum: RM450 per month if there are more than 4 children involved

Financial help from the state

Single mothers can also get financial aid from the respective states they are residing at. However, the amount that will be given will differ according to the different states. This is because each state has their own allocation. Aside from that, eligibility requirements will also differ between states. The duration for financial help will be 1 year.

2. Financial aid for the disabled

Caregivers and those who are disabled have various aids that they may be eligible for.  The first step to take in order to be eligible to receive the aid is to register as a disabled person (OKU) by filling up this form.

Aid’s available for disabled individuals from the Department of Social Welfare Malaysia are:

  • RM350 monthly income maintenance. This is available for disabled people who are working either under an employer or self-employed with a salary below RM1,200.
  • RM200 monthly financial assistance for disabled individuals without a job.
  • Help to purchase necessities such as hearing aid, crutches, prosthetic limbs and more. The aid provided will match the actual cost of to pay for what is needed, but only if it has been approved by doctors.

The financial aid amount for employed disabled individuals compared to unemployed disabled individuals is higher. This is to encourage disabled people to remain employed and be self-sufficient.

3. Financial aid for senior citizens

To support the poor elderly so that they continue to live and lead a normal life with care, they have access to government help. Among the help that is available for the poor and elderly in Malaysia is the financial aid of RM300 on a monthly basis. 

Family members or caregivers of elderly poor citizens are eligible for respite care. This respite care is to help family members or caregivers in the event that they are not able to care for the elderly for a temporary duration. They will be provided with a place to stay, medication, physiotherapy and access to social recreation.  However, this respite care has a minimum duration of 1 day and a maximum of 30 days. No payment will be needed and application can be made at the social welfare office available in each state.


4. Government housing schemes for first-time home buyers

The government has various government initiatives to help first-time home buyers turn the dream of owning their own home into a reality, particularly the low-income groups. Among the schemes are:

  • PR1MA – Help Malaysian citizen aged 21 or above with an individual or combined income (husband and wife) of between RM2,500 – RM15,000 buy home at an affordable price starting from RM198,000.
  • MyDeposit - provide aid for the middle-income group (M40) for their first home purchase. This scheme is for individuals or households with an income of RM10,000 or below. Under this scheme, eligible Malaysians will receive a 10% contribution from the price of the property or a maximum of RM30,000 (whichever is lower) as a first time home buyer under the MyDeposit Home Scheme. But the home must be priced at RM500,000 or less in order to be eligible for this scheme.
  • MYHOME scheme - This scheme provides a subsidy of RM30,000 for first-time homeowners to buy a low or medium cost property. To be eligible you need to be a Malaysian citizen, 18 years old or above first time home buyer with a salary of between RM3,000 – RM6,000.
  • My First Home Scheme - This scheme assists young adults with income not exceeding RM5,000 a month or RM10,000 a month for joint applicants to own their first home. Applicants must be below 40 years old. A 10-­year moratorium would also apply, so buyers are not allowed to re­sell or transfer ownership of the property except to immediate family members.
  • Youth Housing Scheme - This partnership between BSN and the government is a special scheme for married youths aged between 25 – ­40 years old with a household income not exceeding RM10,000 per month. BSN bank will provide a loan of up to RM500,000 with financing tenure up to 35 years for married youths who are first-time The government will also give 50% of stamp duty exemption for the loan agreement. Successful applicants will be eligible for 100% loan amount of the purchase price with an additional 5% of purchase price to finance for insurance (MRTA). The government will also provide RM200 monthly aid for the first 2 years to ease the financial burden of buyers. To apply for the scheme download the application form here then submit it to any BSN bank branches.

See also: How To Buy Your First Home In Malaysia

5. Childcare for low-income households

This aid is to help underprivileged children in Malaysia to continue living with their families even if the family is a low-income household. The rationale is also to help maintain and strengthen the family institution so families can stay together whilst caring for their dependents properly.


  • RM100 per person per month
  • Maximum of RM450 per month per family

6. Funding for entrepreneurs

If you’re a budding entrepreneur, or you have recently started your business, you may be eligible to get some funding help from the government. For Bumiputera, you are eligible to apply for the SUPERB scheme and have access to up to RM500,000 grant.

How to apply for the government aids and subsidies?

If the aid is provided under the Department of Social Welfare Malaysia application forms can be obtained online as per below:

For more information, you can also check out the website for Department of Social Welfare Malaysia

However, it should be noted that although the government provides aids and subsidies, we should not depend on it as it may create complacency. Here are some suggestions on how you can generate more income:

Finally, it is imperative that Malaysians increase their financial knowledge as doing so will help improve understanding of basic economic concepts. Such understanding is needed to ensure Malaysians make informed decisions with their money, and how they can better grow their wealth through smart investment decisions.


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