Launches New Vertical – Serving Malaysians the Hero They Need Team Team

Last updated 02 April, 2019

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Launches New Vertical – Serving Malaysians the Hero They Need


"MamakHero" prototype homepage design

KUALA LUMPUR, APRIL 1, 2019 –, Malaysia’s go-to website for finding, comparing, and applying financial products, has been seeing tremendous growth in the last quarter. Driven by its strong front in the credit cards and personal loan sector, is rising to be the leader in the financial product comparison industry. To further bolster its reputation and seal itself as a household name, will be launching a new vertical by the end of the second quarter.

The new vertical, aptly named “MamakHero”, will be following in the footsteps of’s specialty of comparing products by comparing Malaysia’s favourite past-time: lepak-ing at the mamak. It will be done in partnership with M.A.M.A.K., the Malaysia Association of Makan And lepaK. Mamak eateries have long been synonymous with the local culture. The 24-hour establishments have been the place for Malaysians – not just for meals, but convenient locations for socializing as well.

“MamakHero” will be launched in three phases. The first, starting end of the second quarter, will see over 500 mamak eateries in’s comparison databank, all within the Klang Valley. The second phase of the launch will see coverage of mamak eateries all over the Malaysian peninsular, and the third phase will include comparison for mamak eateries in East Malaysia.


Andy stresses that Mamak stalls have played an integral role in fostering togetherness among
fellow Malaysians. Hence, it is important to provide Malaysians with the right information they need
when that Roti Telur and Milo Kaw craving kicks in.

“It will be a long and arduous process,” explains Andy ‘Muniandi’ Abdool, president of M.A.M.A.K. “Mamak eateries are essentially the Malaysian culture and is very important to all of us, which is why we are going to create the ultimate database for all mamak eateries in Malaysia.”

Owing to the large number of eateries in the country, will be upgrading their data infrastructure with quantum computing processors to handle the workload. Chief Data Analyst of, Goh Pi Peng explains, “The upgrades will help us push this new vertical effectively and increase the efficiency of other verticals at the same time. We really want to get granular with the comparison. We want our users to know exactly which mamak eatery will have the best Teh Tarik froth, which will serve roti in the afternoon – all for the sake of ensuring that Malaysians will get the best lepak experience.”

MamakHero-Results-prototype-768x768 "MamakHero" prototype results page design services will remain free, easy, and unbiased. They are constantly striving and innovating to serve Malaysians better.

Click the button below to start comparing today!click-here-to-compare-mamak-stalls-with-MamakHero

PS: Happy April Fools' day!

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