Top Budgeting Software for Personal Finance 2018 Team Team

Last updated 01 April, 2019


When it comes to money, most people have a hard time sticking to a budget and saving. With so many temptations to keep up with the latest technology and to indulge in deals you see all over Malaysia, most people struggle with their personal finances. The Malaysian Insight found that most millennial's live outside their means and rely on debt to get by. Almost half engage in expensive credit card borrowings.

Whether you are just starting to think about setting financial goals or already on your way, consider using budgeting software to help you get in a more secure financial spot.

Here are the three top budgeting software's for personal finance in 2018 according to TrustRadius:

#1 You Need a Budget (YNAB)

YNAB helps you design a budget and stick to it. The software is web-based and synced with all your devices.

It offers finance tracking and educational resources to help you get a handle your budget.


  • Simple. You won’t get distracted with promotional deals, ads or non-budget related finance options.
  • Low-Price. There is a free promotional trial for 34 days. After this, YNAB costs $6.99 a month.

YNAB Cons:

  • Limited. YNAB does not offer features like credit card deals or automated bill paying.  
  • Lacks Two-Factor Authentication. It does not have a higher level of security.

#2 Mint

Mint is a well-respected all-in-one financial planning tool. It helps you organize all of your financial information, including bills, credit score, investments and more.

The budgeting tool is web-based so you can access it from multiple devices. If you are looking for a cheap option, you can’t beat Mint’s pricing because it is free.

Mint Pros:

  • All-in-one stop for your finances.  You can see your upcoming bills, your overall budget, track your investments all in one place.
  • Easy to use. The interface is simple to use and your finances are put in easy to understand graphics.

Mint Cons:

  • Ads and offers. Because Mint services are free, they make money through offers that you may not want to see.
  • Financial planning services. Although there is a blog with educational resources, this app is not designed to replace a financial planner.

#3 My Tabung

My Tabung is a financial app specifically created for Malaysians by Bank Negara Malaysia. It is an app to help you create a budget, track income, savings, and expenses. It creates a simple graphic for users to easily analyze their financial standing.

My Tabung also includes financial advice and suggestions. The app is free to use and available for Android and iOS users.

My Tabung Pros:

  • Developed by Malaysians for Malaysians. You don’t have to be a member of BNM, but anybody in Malaysia can use it.
  • Financial Tips. If you are like most Malaysians, you might need help getting your finances back on track. The financial advice My Tabung offers is practical and helpful.

My Tabung Cons:

  • Not many categories. If you are a more detail oriented person or have non-traditional budget items, it can be difficult to edit your budget.
  • No investment option. If you are looking for a more advanced way to invest your money, consider another app targeted for long-term financial planning.

We highlighted three top budgeting software apps for your personal finances.  Remember these are just suggestions and it is wise to check out customer reviews from to see what fits your needs best.

The team is comprised of many talented individuals, sharing their knowledge, experiences and research to help others make better financial decisions.


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