The Stages In Life Where A Personal Loan Can Help Team Team

Last updated 18 December, 2020

As the saying goes, “Don’t let your dreams be dreams”. So never let the lack of finances hold you back when it comes to pursuing your goals in life. All you need is the proper planning to boost your finances and that’s where a personal loan can help you out.


Personal loans are a great choice to provide you with the immediate cash flow you need for all of your goals. With a fixed interest rate and repayment terms, you can definitely plan in advance to enjoy full control over your budget and start chasing your dreams!

Furthering Your Education

It’s never too late to get that Master’s or Doctorate that you have always wanted, as learning is a life-long process. In Malaysia, postgraduate programmes can range from RM20,000 up to RM65,000 for a Master’s Degree in Business Administration at either local or international universities. Think of it as an investment that will pay off dividends for your career in the future.

Renovating Your Home

There’s no place quite like home and with the National House Buyers Association advising against buying new properties for the time being, renovating your current home may prove to be a better long-term investment. Whether it’s for a new kitchen décor or an additional bedroom for your kids, set out your budget as you plan the renovations with a little extra set aside in case of any additional costs.

Growing Your Business

Personal loans can be used for more than your own personal usage! For those of you who run your own business, sometimes you may find yourself in need of additional funds for a variety of reasons. Say for instance your business inventory was slightly damaged in a fire, and you decided that it was not worth claiming insurance over something so minor. That is when a short-term personal loan is perfect to give your business a cash flow injection to help you out of a tough spot.

Cash For Emergencies

There’s no telling when life can throw you a curveball, so sometimes you might have to access additional funds in a hurry. With Hong Leong Bank, you can even get your personal loan approved within 48 hours. So whether your home needs to be repaired or you have some medical expenses that have exceeded your savings, a personal loan can help you out in a pinch!

In partnership with: Hong Leong Bank

From as low as 7.5% p.a. for up to RM250,000 with no collateral or guarantor, take control of your finances with a Hong Leong Personal Loan.

See also: Personal Loan vs Credit Card



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Use a personal loan to consolidate your outstanding debt at a lower interest rate!

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