Weak Knees & Painful Hips? Here’s The Cost Of Arthroplasty Surgery

Dharshaini Grace

Dharshaini Grace

Last updated 08 December, 2022

According to a recent survey, 9 out of 10 Malaysians between the ages of 40 to 59 years are worried about their bone health and how it may affect their strength and mobility as they age. 

That’s where an orthopedic specialist comes in! 


What is Orthopedics? 

Orthopedics is a branch of medicine that focuses on the care of the musculoskeletal system. This system is made up of muscles and bones, as well as joints, ligaments, and tendons. Some of these conditions are present at birth, while others may occur as a result of injury or age-related wear and tear.


 Experiencing pain in your knees and/or hips? 


If your knees and/or hips hurt on a daily basis, you may need to undergo arthroplasty surgery. It was found that an estimated 10% of the adult population in Malaysia requires arthroplasty surgery due to a damaged knee or hip joint. 


But… what is arthroplasty surgery? 

Also known as joint replacement, arthroplasty surgery is done to replace a damaged joint with an artificial joint that’s either made of metal, ceramic or plastic. Most of the time, surgeons would replace only the damaged part of the joint. This includes hips and knees - let’s delve deeper! 

Total Knee Arthroplasty or Knee Replacement 

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If your knee is damaged by arthritis, knee replacement surgery will be done to resurface your knee. Your kneecap as well as the ends of the bones that form the knee joint will be capped with metal and plastic parts. 

Do consult your healthcare professional for further advice and assessment, if you’re facing:  

  • arthritis
  • hemophilia
  • gout
  • disorders that cause unusual bone growth
  • death of bone in the knee joint following blood supply problems
  • knee injury
  • knee deformity with pain and loss of cartilage

Other signs for you to look out for: 

  • You have severe pain, swelling and stiffness in your knee joint and your mobility is reduced. 
  • Your knee pain is so severe that it interferes with your quality of life and sleep
  • Daily tasks, such as shopping or getting out of the bath, are difficult or impossible
  • Feeling depressed because of the pain and lack of mobility
  • Unable to work or have a social life

Total Hip Arthroplasty/Hemi-Hip Arthroplasty or Hip Replacement


A hip replacement, or hip arthroplasty, is surgery that replaces a diseased or injured hip joint by with an artificial joint or implant. Total hip replacement would be replacing the entire hip joint while hemi hip replacement is a surgical procedure that only involves replacing half of the hip joint.

During hip replacement, the surgeon will remove the damaged sections of the hip joint and replace them with parts that are made out of metal, ceramic and very hard plastic. This artificial joint (prosthesis) helps reduce pain and improve function.

Hip replacements are done when arthritis causes severe hip pain and inflammation. Hip fracture and natural wear-and-tear are also common reasons for hip replacement surgery.

Signs you may need hip replacement: 

  • Pain persists, despite pain medication
  • The pain worsens with walking, even with a cane or walker
  • The pain interferes with sleep
  • Affects the ability to walk up or down stairs
  • Makes it difficult to rise from a seated position

What’s the cost of knee and hip replacement surgeries? 



Knee Replacement 

RM20,000 - RM35,000

Hip Replacement 

RM20,000 - RM40,000


Consider applying for a medical loan! 

Unless you’re protected with coverages for these circumstances, most of us in our 20s and 30s, or even 40s, don’t have the money to pay for such medical emergencies. Fret not, you can still seek help for your medical surgeries with medical loans from Alliance Bank! 


At Alliance Bank, you can apply for: 

✔️Medical loans of up to RM200,000

✔️Medical loans as low as RM5,000

✔️Duration of loans between 12 - 84 months

✔️Financing up to 20x monthly gross salary

✔️Flat interest rate as low as 4.99%


What is a medical loan? 

A medical loan is a type of personal loan that can only be used to finance medical care. Available through banks and online lenders, medical loans are usually unsecured loans.


Why should you apply for a medical loan? 

  • Allows you to get a procedure done to improve your quality of life now, rather than waiting potentially for years to save up the cash.
  • You do not need to offer any collateral or assets (like your house or car) to the bank when you borrow money.
  • No down payment needed. 
  • You can keep your savings and investments. Instead of using your savings now, save them for another rainy day that requires you to use your saving. 
  • Enhances your credit score. If your credit history is limited, having varying types of credit, like medical loans can help boost your credit scores, as long as you make the repayment on time. 

Don’t let money stop you from getting the treatment you need!

Care for your heart today with Alliance Bank.

⭐Minimum age to apply, is as young as 21 years old. 

⭐Monthly gross income of RM3,000 and above.

⭐Applicable to all Malaysians and Permanent Residents



You can also discover other loans offered by Alliance Bank. Find out more here. 




Use a personal loan to consolidate your outstanding debt at a lower interest rate!

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