The Biggest Money Saving App in Malaysia Team Team

Last updated 02 April, 2019

Saving money is something we all aspire to do. New Year Resolutions, birthday wishes, a wake-up call in the form of bills – all sorts of realizations, but it never works. The urge to spend is constant. Who, after all, could pass up the chance to dine at that Italian restaurant?

What if you could save and still dine there? Save and still enjoy that beauty spa? It’s not impossible. You just need the ENTERTAINER app!

What’s the ENTERTAINER app?

The ENTERTAINER app is very much the digital embodiment of the “Buy One Get One Free” dream that we all love (especially in Malaysia). The app allows users to access a variety of Buy One Free One offers through their food & beverage merchants.

Unlike other similar apps that provide offers and discounts at various rates, the ENTERTAINER always provides 50% discounts and 1-For-1 offers. It isn’t just for food, but other types of merchants too, such as health & beauty, attractions, and even services like car detailing.

Yes – when I found out about the app, I too asked “Wah, sure or not?” As it turns out, the answer is, “Sure lah!”

It doesn’t just save you money, it gives you opportunities.

As much as the ENTERTAINER helps you to save money, it does one other thing: It gives you opportunities. The app can show you merchants that are nearby which can give you an opportunity to try out something new. It could be a place that you have never been to before or even a place that have thought of trying.

It can be the answer to the dreaded question of “What to eat ah?”. The next time you are unsure of what to eat, just simply turn on the ENTERTAINER and look for the nearest offer.

Not just about food.

We all love to eat. We spend the time ensuring that we get the best bites at the best prices, so it is no surprise that the ENTERTAINER app is mostly used for the food offers. Let’s not forget the other side, however. The other categories by the ENTERTAINER has great offers too.

For those concerned about their beauty and fitness, for example, you can take advantage of the ENTERTAINER’s 50% discount offers at merchants such as Be Urban Wellness and Mandara Spa. Even the men could take advantage of the app to get 50% offers on a haircut, massage, and facial at Gentlemen’s Tonic.

Families will not be left out either. We all know that spending with the family can be an expensive affair, but when amazing attractions such as Sanrio’s Hello Kitty & Thomas Town, Angry Birds, and Camp5 are on board the ENTERTAINER app, you’re going have massive savings for your family!

It’s truly that simple, here’s how it works:

Can the ENTERTAINER app really help save money?

Of course! Its Buy One Free One and discount offers give great value to its users. Every participating merchant has 3 offers. For example, a restaurant may have 3 offers of 1-For-1 that is applicable for their main courses for two persons.

This means that you can literally order two main courses (after informing the waiter that you are using the app) and only pay for one. The money you save can also be spent on that delicious dessert that most people skip in the menu too.

Each time you use an offer at a participating merchant, that offer will expire. However, each time you use an offer, you will gain ‘Smiles’ points in return.  This Smiles points can then be used to buy back redeemed offers, meaning you can save again. Keep in mind that you can only do this for one offer per merchant in a year.

Okay, but give us some real numbers on the savings.

We know some of you like the numbers, so we’ve decided to pull a few out. Someone in our team is a long-term user (and avid fan) of the ENTERTAINER; we decided to ask her how much exactly she has saved in the past year.

Can you guess?

A whooping RM837! That’s how much she saved in the whole year by using the ENTERTAINER app.

She dines out roughly twice a month with her other half at places partnered with the ENTERTAINER, such as Delicious and La Risata. She occasionally buys coffee at San Francisco Coffee too, getting two cups for the price of one.

In fact, she’s had such a great experience with F&B last year using the ENTERTAINER, she’s planning for an upcoming weekend getaway in Langkawi with the app. There are also hotel room offers at 1-for-1. When she buys one night of her weekend getaway, she’ll get the next night free!

To maximise your savings even further, you can also share a single access with your family or friends.  This means that only one person must subscribe to the app, and the rest can be in the same plan, sharing the great offers and savings!

Sounds too good to be true? It is all true.

And since you are reading this, we’re giving you a special gift to help you kickstart your savings for 2019 – a 10% discount when you sign up for the ENTERTAINER Malaysia 2019! The 10% is on-top of ENTERTAINER’s already discounted price of RM95.  This means you will only pay RM85.50!

Just use the code below when you sign up for the ENTERTAINER:


Happy savings!

The team is comprised of many talented individuals, sharing their knowledge, experiences and research to help others make better financial decisions.


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