5 Tips To Save Money During Music Festivals

CompareHero.my Team

CompareHero.my Team

Last updated 25 March, 2019

Planning to go to that festival that rhymes with the words, "Shoe Size"? (Yup, this ain't no paid post.) Well, if you are, be sure to read these tips so that you don't come back with a hole in your wallet!



Keep Calm, Don't #FOMO.

So you’re going with a bunch of friends. You might not have the same kind of budget as them, but IT’S OKAY! The trick is to have your own personal budget and not to #FOMO when your friend, Adam buys that overpriced lanyard of a band that he had just discovered a few weeks ago.


Bring Cash, & Set a Daily Spending Limit.

The reason behind bringing only cash to the festival, is not so that you can flash your ringgit-ringgit-bills to that girl in the tight crop-top, but it’s so that you don’t overspend on stuff you don’t need, like having your face painted when you know you’re gonna sweat like crazy. To help you save more, set a daily spending limit you are comfortable with, and divide it across each day.


The Early Bird Gets The Worm... And Other Cheap Stuff.

Tickets, accommodation, transport, etc. are cheaper when booked early. The longer you wait, the more expensive it's going to be. If you are only getting your pay at a later date, try asking someone to help you out, but make sure you, DO NOT become a douchebag-Dave, and ghost them on payday.


Eat Smart.

Food containing carbs like rice, noodles, or bread will leave you hungry again after a short while, but if you get something meaty, or with veges or tofu, although it will be slightly expensive, it will keep you twerking, moshing or jumping for hours! Reminder: You came for the music, not the hipster-food-trucks.


Wait Till The Last Day To Get Your Merchandise.

An old, but gold tip. Always wait for the last day to buy merchandise. This way, you will know how much money you have to spend AND some vendors might also reduce their prices to finish up their sales, so you might get a better deal than Karen, who bought a festival bandana for RM60.

At the end of the day, we need to remember that we go to these music festivals, not for validation or acceptance from our peers, but for the love of music and the experience. You've already paid a lot to experience it, why spend more on overpriced merchandise/food?

The CompareHero.my team is comprised of many talented individuals, sharing their knowledge, experiences and research to help others make better financial decisions.


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