Everything You Need To Know About BR1M 2016

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CompareHero.my Team

Last updated 31 October, 2019

Do you qualify for 1Malaysia People’s Aid (BR1M) 2016? Wondering how much the payout is for next year? Get all the information you need about it right here.

BR1M began in 2012 as a single payment of RM500 given to Malaysia’s low-income household while low-income single individuals who are 21 years old and above were given RM250. Under the first BR1M in 2012, a total amount of RM2.6 billion was distributed to about 5.2 million household.

A total of RM4.9 billion was distributed to eligible Malaysians for the 2015 BR1M scheme this year. The cash aid then saw an increase to a total of RM 5.9 billion which will be handed out in 2016 and is expected to benefit up to 4.7 million households and 2.7 million single individuals. The first payout will be on 28th January 2016. It was reported that since it's inception in 2012, the government has allocated a total of RM13 billion between 2012 to 2015 for the cash handouts. 

br1m, bantuan rakyat 1 malaysia, br1m 3.0, Malaysia budget,

The BR1M 2016 new application was opened on 5 December and will run until 31 December 2015. Subsequently, if you have received BR1M in the past, you will also need to update your details. If you’re unsure of how to go about applying for the aid, we’ve sorted out all the information you need to know for your convenience.

BR1M eligibility

  • Malaysian residing in Malaysia
  • Male or female who is the head of the household with an income below RM4,000
  • Elderly aged 60 years old and above with income below RM4,000
  • Single individual aged 21 years old and above with income below RM2,000

How do you apply? 

Applications can be made online at e-BR1M and it is highly recommended that you keep a copy of your application form. You can also get the application form from the office of Inland Revenue Board Malaysia, Urban Transformation Centre, Federal Development Department or at the State Secretary’s Office.

If you apply by filling in a form offline, you need to hand in the form either to Inland Revenue Board Malaysia, Urban Transformation Centre, Federal Development Department or at the State Secretary’s Office. Forms submitted by e-mail and fax will not be processed. Note that it is advisable to include your account number in the application form as the payout can then be directly made to your account and saves you a whole lot of time.

If you don’t include your account number you will have to attend the voucher presenting ceremony to get your BR1M vouchers and there is usually a large crowd and long queues! On top of that, you will then have to go to your respective bank to cash your vouchers so do include your account details to avoid all of the hassle. To apply you will also need to ensure you have the latest MyKad identification as it is compulsory for all BR1M applicants to use the MyKad.

How much is the payout?

Following the tabling of Budget 2016 in October, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak announced an increase in the BR1M 2016 aid, with each category to receive RM50 more. Below are the latest amount of BR1M payout that eligible Malaysians will be receiving beginning January 2016.

br1m, br1m 2016, bantuan rakyat 1 malaysia, budget 2016 For more information you can go to the official BR1M website, call the toll free number 1800-88-2716 or email your enquiry to br1m@treasury.gov.my. The Inland Revenue Board Malaysia's Facebook page will also have the latest updates so make sure you check it out.

Remember, you need to get your applications in before 31st December 2016 in order for it to qualify for processing!

See also: EPF Contribution Reduction

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