Unlike Some Leeway For Road Tax, You Must Have A Valid Car Insurance During The MCO

Mikaela Anthonysamy

Mikaela Anthonysamy

Last updated 11 October, 2021

With the number of Covid-19 cases in Malaysia plummeting over the last few weeks, most people have been going back to work as usual. More people on the road means more cars and heavier traffic jams.

Related: 5 Ways Malaysians Can Save On Their Monthly Petrol Bills

Now, during the MCO, as our main task was to stay home and be safe, the government extended the deadline for road users to renew their road tax and driving license. At present, you have up until 31st December 2021 to do this. Simply put, if you drive around with an expired road tax or driving license now, you won’t get in trouble with the traffic police.

However, if you are able to renew your documents ASAP please do so as you wouldn’t want to be rushing on the last day of the year to get this sorted.

You can’t have an expired car insurance


Speaking of documents, road users in Malaysia need to carry 3 important documents with them:

  • Road tax
  • Driver’s license
  • Vehicle insurance

As mentioned above, you can renew your road tax and driver’s license later this year, but this leeway doesn’t apply to the insurance for your vehicle.

Minister of Transportation, Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong has said:

“Motorists with expired road tax must, however, ensure that the insurance for their vehicles are valid.

“They must display their insurance e-cover note for authorities to check,” 

-Quoted by The Star, 3rd September 2021

In case you didn’t already know, it’s an offence not to renew your vehicle insurance once it expires. Section 58 of the Road Transport Act 1987 says:

Any person in charge of a motor vehicle on a road shall, on being so required by any police officer, any traffic warden or any road transport officer, produce the certificate of insurance issued in respect of the vehicle…

The section goes on to mention:

If any person fails to comply with this section, he shall be guilty of an offence.

You get the drift: You need to show your vehicle insurance if you’re asked for it, and if you don’t, you can be penalized. But don’t fret, as the section also later says that you have up to 5 days to produce your insurance certificate if you don’t have it with you then and there.

Why is vehicle insurance needed?


Okay, so this might be a no-brainer. We all know why we need insurance: it provides financial coverage and security when something untoward happens. Besides car insurance, most of us have life insurance, medical insurance, travel insurance, you name it. The point is, it's vital to cover ourselves in all aspects of our lives, and that includes being on the road.

Related: 5 Types Of Insurance You Need But May Not Have

With more and more people filling the highways again, there is a greater need for protecting yourself when you’re driving. There have already been several reports of serious accidents, like the one that happened in Ulu Yam today. Besides that, as interstate travel is now allowed, you should ensure that you’re sufficiently protected if you need to journey to a different state.

Now, if you don’t have vehicle insurance at all and are thinking of getting one at this point, you’re in luck.

Liberty Insurance is currently having their Kaw Kaw Campaign and if you sign up today for selected policies such as their Private Car Comprehensive policy, you can win a brand new car or some other exciting prizes such as motorcycles and mobile phones!

Want to know more? Find out all the information you need here, and you can check out their terms and conditions as well. Ready to sign up? Click the link below!

Sign up for Liberty's Private Car Insurance!

Lawyer-turned-writer, Mikaela demonstrates the sharp legal acumen to analyse topics and draw out the most valuable insights.


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