Understanding Your Money Personality. Which One Are You?

Fatin Haris

Fatin Haris

Last updated 14 September, 2022

Believe it or not, your personality affects your finances. If you’re generally a calm person, you may not spend much even when you’re triggered to do so but if you happen to be someone who is easily agitated, you are more likely to spend money when you are under pressure. So let’s find out in-depth what your money personality is and how you can use it to your advantage!

Money personality type #1: YOLO


As the name suggests, the YOLOs normally neglect the need to handle their money wisely. Instead, they adopt the ‘You Only Live Once’ lifestyle and mentality. There is no harm in practicing the YOLO lifestyle however, you need to make sure you are paying all your bills on time and saving up for emergencies. Most YOLOs do realize that they should be prioritizing their expenses but simply chose not to. Some of the signs that you have a YOLO personality are: 

  • You don’t have a monthly expenses tracker
  • You fail to pay rent, bills, and other expenses on-time
  • Your ‘self-reward game’ is getting out of hand

Start prioritizing your expenses by creating a monthly tracker of all your financial commitments, so you know what you should pay up first and how much money you can spend. That way, you still can have all the fun while fulfilling your responsibilities. 

Click here to get the best suggestions for FREE budgeting apps that can help track your expenses.

Money personality type #2: Saver


Saver's main goal is to well, save money! The first thing they do as soon as their paycheck is in is to save before paying up anything. They live to see the numbers in their saving account increase. Savers also would not easily spend on unnecessary stuff, unless they really need to or they have actually pre-planned the purchase for at least 6 months ahead. They tend to appear outdated as they do not care about trends and you would find them chilling at their home on weekends to avoid spending money!

#TBH There’s nothing wrong with being a Saver, not many people can fight their inner shopaholic demons! However, the only advice we have for people with savers personalities is to make sure you are saving your money ‘correctly’. Read up on how to grow your savings, here

Money personality type #3: Shopaholic


This type of money personality needs no introduction. If you checked off at least 3 of the following traits, you have a shopaholic money personality:

  • You always buy things that you did not plan on buying
  • Any emotions like stress, anger, sadness, or even happiness can trigger you to shop
  • You are easily enticed by sales, deals, or bargains of any type
  • You still have unopen or unused items from your last shopping spree
  • You are spending more than you should
  • You hide your purchases

For serious shopping addictions, we recommend consulting with experts as it could link to your mental health condition, and for those who just recently noticed having these traits, take a step back to re-evaluate yourself and your expenses. Some of the simple ways to curb your shopping addiction include: 

  • Only carry cash with you all the time
  • Track your expenses 
  • Control your emotions. Find out what emotion normally triggers you to shop and learn to manage it.
  • Try the 30-day money-saving rule. Learn more, here.

Money personality type #4: Investor

Understanding your money personality

Aside from savers, investors know very well the importance of saving money. The best part of all is they know how to grow their money by investing it! Their main goal is to make their money work for them.

Not that investors need any financial advice since they are already on the right path but here are a few tips to protect your investments.
You may want to diversify your investments by investing across various financial platforms and industries to minimize loss and maximize your profits. 


Related: #DearGenZ: Here Are 7 Dummy-Proof Ways You Can Start Investing Your Money

No matter what your money personality is, it's important to acknowledge it so you can make necessary changes if needed. It's never too late to change your finance future. Make better decisions and follow us for more updates on finance!


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