Tag Archive: allianz

5 Travel Must-Haves You Tend To Always Leave Behind

By November 15, 2019 4:50 pm

More often than not, we get so excited about something that we tend to forget the most important bits — and that happens with traveling a lot. I’m not talking about your phone charger or toothbrush but items that could turn your trip into a disaster if neglected.  Suddenly a holiday isn’t so relaxing when […]

best travel insurance in Malaysia

5 Best Travel Insurance Policies For Malaysians

By April 16, 2019 6:15 pm

Now that everyone can easily fly, traveling the world becomes immensely popular. Frequent traveling means the chances of accidents and illness happening when we are overseas is higher too. Thankfully, we have an array of travel insurance options with comprehensive benefits at the lowest costs available today. But where do we start? What does a […]