Tag Archive: car insurance


What Does It Mean When Your Car Is Considered A Total Loss?

By November 30, 2020 3:41 pm

Have you ever wondered what it means for you and your car if you’re involved in a traffic accident and the insurer declares your car a total loss? Here’s everything you need to know about total loss car accidents and the five important things you have to do when your car gets totalled. Read below to […]


#BreakingItDown – Don’t Make These 9 Mistakes When Buying A Car

By November 12, 2020 9:43 pm

Though the process of buying a car can be exciting, it also requires you to consider a lot of things before finalising the purchase. Despite this, people often make several mistakes when buying a car. Read the article below to find out what these mistakes are. Buying a car is not an easy process for […]

#WhatIWishIKnew – The Cost Of Getting Car Insurance In Malaysia

By October 30, 2020 9:19 pm

Car insurance rates may differ from one provider to another, but how do you estimate the cost of your preferred coverage? If you’re searching for auto insurance for your car, it’s important to understand some factors that may affect the premium rate. Read this article to find out! Before buying car insurance, you’re likely going […]


#WhatIWishIKnew – 8 Common Mistakes People Make When Buying Car Insurance

By October 26, 2020 5:08 pm

There are several important factors you need to consider when looking for auto insurance. The process may seem simple, but car owners tend to make these 8 common mistakes when purchasing or renewing their car insurance. Read the article below to find out. Choosing the right car insurance is as important as buying the right […]