5 Tips To Protect Your Mental Health During The MCO

Mikaela Anthonysamy

Mikaela Anthonysamy

Last updated 06 August, 2021

It goes without saying that for many of us, our mental health might not be in the best state right now. Statistics show that there has been an increase in calls for help with regard to mental health issues since last year.

It’s a trying period at the moment, and the stress can leave a lot of us overwhelmed at the end of the day. While getting rid of what’s troubling you may not be easy, here are some ways you can cope and care for your mental health.

1. Limit your time on social media

Social media is what helps us stay connected with the rest of the world. At a time like this, it can be a blessing as it helps us keep in touch with friends and family. But staying on top of everything also comes with a price: you end up consuming everything you see—the good and the bad.

Seeing high Covid-19 case numbers and deaths can be very upsetting. Reading stories of those who are in great need at this time can be painful. It’s important to help those who are in need when we can. But for that, we also need to be mentally healthy. If you are drained and worn out from a lot of negativity, you’re not going to be able to help others.

One way to work around this is to limit how much time you spend on social media in a day. Or, if you want to take a break from certain types of news for a few days, you can mute certain words on apps like Twitter so that you don’t see any news regarding it for a while.

2. Take enough breaks

Speaking of breaks, social media isn’t the only place you should take some time off from. Be it for work, house chores, studies or anything else, a balance is important. We understand it can be difficult to rest when there is just so much to do.

But if you get some time for power naps and or a quick yoga session, go for it! Your mind (and body) will appreciate not having to be stuck at working on one task for long periods of time.


3. Seek professional help if needed

Unfortunately, there is a lot of stigma around mental health and getting the right help when needed. 

Seeking help if you’re under mental strain is actually a very healthy thing to do. Meeting professionals who can guide you on how to cope better can bring great relief. Keeping it all pent up inside will make things worse, so please reach out if you need help.

If you’re worried about costs, fret not. There are several professional health service providers who offer services for free or at affordable prices. You can click on the link below to find out more.

Related: 10 Affordable Mental Health Service Providers In Malaysia

4. Pick up some skills/hobbies

Like we said in the first point, it can be very overwhelming to be surrounded by only negative news and negativity. One way to distract yourself would be to pick up a new fun thing to do during your free time. You might just end up learning something you’ll love for life. Or, you might end up starting a business out of it. If you’re looking for ideas, here are some free courses you can take online, as well as small businesses you can start from home:

Related: 8 Places To Take FREE Online Courses From During the MCO

Related: 6 Businesses You Can Start From Home During The MCO

5. Put yourself first

By this, we don’t mean be selfish and cut everyone off. Instead, prioritize yourself in situations where your mental health is at stake. Be it in toxic relationships or other commitments that are draining the life out of you, your welfare should come first.

If you need some time off, take it. If you need to stay away from things or people that are affecting your mental health, don’t be afraid to take that step back.


We hope these simple tips will be of some help for you and if you’re going through a rough patch right now, we hope things get better soon!

On a related note, here are some more tips on why it’s important to manage work stress:

4 Ways Work-Related Stress Can Cost You Money

Lawyer-turned-writer, Mikaela demonstrates the sharp legal acumen to analyse topics and draw out the most valuable insights.


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