Car Damaged In Floods? What You Need To Know About Claiming Insurance

Mikaela Anthonysamy

Mikaela Anthonysamy

Last updated 21 February, 2022

It goes without saying that the recent floods in Malaysia have been one of the worst in years. The devastation has been immense—tens and thousands of people have been displaced and lost their property. If you’d like to relieve these victims in some way, here are some things you can consider doing for them:

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Speaking of property and devastation, those affected by their floods will need compensation for whatever they have lost. Now, if you already have car insurance, you’re going to proceed to make a claim for the damage caused to your car.

However, there is one important part that your car insurance policy needs to have before you can make a claim.

Ensure you have special perils coverage

Car insurance is mandatory for you to have if you own a vehicle in Malaysia. And PSA, even though the government has given an extension of time for people to renew their driving license and road tax during the MCO, the same does not apply to car insurance.

Related: Unlike Some Leeway For Road Tax, You Must Have A Valid Car Insurance During The MCO

Specifically, comprehensive car insurance (as opposed to a third-party one) is extremely vital to have. You will be protected against accidents caused by you OR another person, theft, natural disasters, and so on.


But when it comes to natural disasters, you will need to purchase an add-on known as special perils together with your policy. As the name suggests, special perils is meant to cover unexpected events such as floods, landslides and thunderstorms. 

Unfortunately, if you didn’t already have this in your policy, you will not be able to claim insurance for damages caused by floods. Not sure if your policy has it in the first place? Do get in touch with your insurance agent to find out. If your car insurance lacks this crucial add-on, now’s the time to include it in your plan.

How to make an insurance claim

So, let’s say that you do have special perils included in your insurance policy. You can now proceed to make a claim. Here are some helpful tips for you as you begin the process:

  • Do not start your car as soon as you find it. Don’t wash or clean it immediately either. You’ll need to show the damage as it is.
  • Take lots of pictures and videos. This is vital for your claim to go through.
  • Once you have sufficient proof of the damage, call your insurance hotline. These are the hotlines for the main insurance companies in Malaysia:
  1.  Zurich : 1-300-88-6222
  2. Etiqa : 1-300-13-8888
  3. Alliance : 1-800-22-5542
  4. AXA Affin : 03-7989-0310
  5. Berjaya Sompo : 1-800-18-8033
  6. AM General : 1800-88-6333
  7. Kurnia : 1-800-88-3833
  8. Pacific & Orient Insurance : 1 -800-88-2121
  9. RHB : 1-300-220-007
  10. Lonpac : 03-2262 8666
  11. Tune : 1-800-22-8863
  12. Liberty : 1-800-88-5005 / 8990
  13. Takaful Ikhlas : 1-800-88-1186
  14. Takaful Malaysia:1-800-888-788
  • Your insurance company will then arrange your car to be transported for repair.
  • Your car will have to be repaired by a workshop that’s on the insurance company’s panel.
  • Once your car is repaired, that sum will be covered by the insurance company.


And that’s pretty much what you need to know about claiming your insurance if a flood has wrecked your car. If you found this information helpful, be sure to share it around!

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Lawyer-turned-writer, Mikaela demonstrates the sharp legal acumen to analyse topics and draw out the most valuable insights.


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