Save Money By Making Your Own RM5 Meals Team Team

Last updated 01 March, 2022

Need to tighten up your budget to save money?  Many people start by cutting down on food allowance, by eating cheap and unhealthy food such as instant noodles, fast food, or frozen meals. This is not worth it at all, as long-term health issues caused by skipping out on nutritious meals will outweigh any money you saved.

Instead, try cooking your own meals! We know you’re busy, so we compiled a list of delicious, healthy, and easy-to-make meals that cost only RM5 or less to make!

Fried Noodles - RM2 per serving


  • 1 of block of dried noodles
    (RM0.50 - RM0.70)
  • 1 tablespoon oyster sauce
    (RM0.15 - RM0.20)
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
    (RM0.20 - RM0.40)
  • 1 clove garlic
    (RM0.03 - RM0.05)

Unlike instant noodles, this Fried Noodles is a healthy homemade version with zero MSG, less salt, and minus the preservatives. Also, spending only RM2 for a meal is an awesome bargain!

Boil noodles in a pot of water. When boiled, drain noodles and put aside. Next, stir fry garlic, oyster sauce, and soy sauce for a minute, before adding in the noodles to fry together. Finally, sprinkle some salt and white pepper according to your preference - serve with a fried egg on top if you wish!

Broccoli Chicken - RM5 per serving


  • 100 gram chicken cubes
    (RM1 - RM2)
  • ½ small broccoli
    (RM1.50 - RM2)
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
    (RM0.20 - RM0.40)
  • 1 tablespoon chicken stock
    (RM0.30 - RM0.50)

For only RM5, this recipe provides you a balanced meal of protein and greens. Did you also know that broccoli reduces bad cholesterol and prevents cancer?

Marinate chicken cubes with a pinch of salt and pepper for 30 mins. In a pan, add oil on medium heat and fry the chicken. When cooked, remove chicken from wok. Proceed to stir fry the broccoli with soy sauce and chicken stock until sauce is thickened. Add in the chicken cubes and stir well to coat, and you’re done!

Salted Fish Fried Rice - RM5 per serving


  • 1 clove garlic
    (RM0.03 - RM0.05)
  • 1 tablespoon chicken stock
    (RM0.20 - RM0.40)
  • 10 gram salted fish
    (RM1 - RM2)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup steamed white rice
    (RM1.50 - RM2)

Also known popularly as Nasi Goreng Ikan Masin, this is a timeless favourite! Savory and delicious, this cheap meal will also provide you enough energy for the day.

Heat oil and stir-fry garlic with the salted fish together. Add in white rice, egg, and chicken stock. Stir thoroughly for a few minutes and it’s ready to be served!

Tomato Soup - RM4 per serving


  • 1 teaspoon margarine
    (RM0.10 - RM0.30)
  • ½ yellow onion
    (RM0.40 - RM0.60)
  • ½ can of tomato puree
    (RM2- RM3)

Often served as a side, soup can actually be very filling on its own. Also, tomatoes are proven to reduce risk of heart disease and cancer. The recipe is simple too, with cheap ingredients which you might already have sitting in the kitchen.

Melt margarine over medium heat in pot. Add onion slices, tomato puree, chicken stock, and 1 cup of water. Stir occasionally, while adding salt or pepper if needed. Once it reaches boiling point, serve with toasted bread if you want!

Grilled Cheese Sandwiches - RM2 per serving


  • 2 slices of bread
    (RM0.10 - RM0.15 per slice)
  • 1 teaspoon margarine
    (RM0.10 - RM0.30)
  • 2 slices of cheddar
    (RM0.80 - RM1 per slice)

This delightful cheese sandwich is easy on your wallet, and also gives you a healthy dose of vitamins A, B2, B12, calcium, and zinc. Only three ingredients (with price estimation) are needed.

Lightly spread margarine on first slice of bread, then place it side-down onto pan with medium heat. Add 1 slice of cheese on top. Spread remaining margarine on the second slice of bread and place side-up on top of sandwich. Keep grilling both sides until cheese is melted. That’s all!

Save much more!

This list of homemade meals will not only be easier on your wallet, but they’re also healthier. At only RM5 or less per meal, you’ll definitely be saving more money than before.

If you wish to save more in terms of food, here are some additional ways to go about it:

This article is written by Diana Lee.

The team is comprised of many talented individuals, sharing their knowledge, experiences and research to help others make better financial decisions.


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