Tag Archive: lifestyle


Online Scams in Malaysia You Need To Know About

By November 23, 2021 2:05 am

Are you put off from buying and selling online because of online scams? Educate yourself on the online scams in Malaysia to protect yourself from falling victim. Check out the common online scams below so you can be safe and smart online!


4 Reasons Your Credit Card Is Better Than Cash When You’re Travelling

By November 9, 2021 5:10 am

Travelling overseas for a holiday is nothing short of exciting! The preparation, the anticipation, and the joy of finally being somewhere else. However, Malaysians are often worried about carrying enough local cash, and then splitting them up into separate wallets for safety – what if we told you a credit card would solve most of […]


7 Important Costs You Might Not Be Budgeting For

By November 5, 2021 5:46 pm

Preparing a meticulous budget is indeed the best way to keep track of your daily spending. An effective budget will keep track of every cent going in and out of your pocket, ensuring that it is categorised and allocated properly. However, when some items are forgotten, the budget planning just goes into the drain – […]


15 Weird Things You Can Actually Be Fined for in Malaysia

By September 15, 2021 4:00 pm

Be careful if you sing Despacito in public since it’s now considered an obscene song, you could be fined! Don’t believe us? Read on. We found some offences that most Malaysians (ourselves included) may not know are illegal. Some are quite funny, while some are disturbing.


3 Ways You Can Settle Your Debts In Malaysia

By September 10, 2021 10:00 am

 If you’re like the majority of young Malaysians who are living with high levels of debt, one of your financial resolutions is to settle your debt and make progress towards the overarching goal of financial freedom.


6 Ways To Save On Your Entertainment Bill

By July 30, 2021 12:42 pm

“Baby, I don’t need dollar bills to have fun tonight.” – Cheap Thrills, Sia And she’s right, having good entertainment doesn’t always have to come at a steep price. Of course, money can buy us some luxury like travelling the world with first-class flights, having Omakase in the heart of Tokyo, or enjoying a ski […]


What Is a Sinking Fund and Why You Need Them?

By July 1, 2021 12:00 pm

We’ve covered a ton of strategies to help you shave just a fraction off your spending, given some ideas to help you combat that inner impulse spender in you, and even some ideas to make some money on the side. If you’ve gotten to know all of them, you’d have a pretty good picture of […]


6 Ways to Lower Your Electricity Bill

By June 25, 2021 4:00 pm

Something that many people assume is “stuck with them” and don’t put any effort into lowering the cost is the electricity bill. Although it’s true that this cost will most likely still exist for the foreseeable future, we can still take certain actions to lower them significantly. Contrary to popular belief, lowering your electricity consumption […]